Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Half Day

Ahhh - gotta love half days in school, we got out at 11am today which was a very nice change. Although it was pouring out and i had to walk home, i had a good time smiling and singing on my way. At home i really didn't do much except plan for Summer 2010 road trip which is leading me ALL OVER the place - and I'm wicked excited and pray to god that i can do it, I'm determined to. Grams showed up today and drove me to deposit some money into the bank which i desperately needed to do after my $500 shopping spree i did by accident -Oops. They got my wendys and then they headed home. at 3 i had my driving lesson and i had a new lady - she was pretty fun and instead of just driving around she challenged me with some 3 point turns and a few parallel parking drills. After i got home i pretty much just hung out did some simple editing.

And what's wicked exciting 2 things actually -
#1. I'm getting Final Cut Studio 2 FOR FREE! a normally 2,000 dollar program FREE!
#2. the thing I've really been stressing out about is looking to a sunny sky today despite a rain shower today I think its finally clearing up - only time will tell.

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