Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Changing Things Up.

Life as i know if has completely flipped upside down. Usually i am open to change and take any obstacle i hit with a positive attitude and keep moving forward. I have been recently "let go" from America's Best Defense, and whether or not i was fired or laid off i have no idea - originally i was replaced, but there seems to be a new person being trained for the job position i was told wasn't open. I'd rather people be forward to me instead of trying to let me down nicely or act like i don't know what's going on. No disrespect because I love all of my former co-workers at ABD and i always will - and truthfully i don't know what's happening. All i know is i was not needed or wanted there and that means it was time for a change. Since the change i have been dedicating a lot of my time to Living Waters Church as a Film Editor, its not every day i get to do something i love and know that its changing lives and bringing people closer to God. I hope one day i can become paid for doing this - Film is definitely my future. In the mist of all the confusing stuff going on i do have some Victories! I am now a Licensed Driver, I have released a few videos for my paintball Team, and Megan is still and will always be as incredible as she was when i first met her over a month ago!

"When God leads you into darkness - he is testing your faith in him, Put your Trust in him and he will lead you back to the light."

I also have been doing some designing lately, check out these two designs for T-Shirts i came up with.


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