Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Stuff

For the past few weeks i have been settling myself into working at Living Waters as a Film Editor for there new Video Ministry. My responsibilities are to soft edit the footage of the services to add in sub-text of the scriptures, and manipulate the footage to make it look professional and clean. Also I am to prep and export the footage to get it ready for DVD and webcasting. But now i find myself doing more advanced projects. This week Chris and I are working on a video for the beginning of service on Sunday. Its a music video involving green screening - Were filming members of our church lip singing a song in front of a green screen. From there I plan on taking the footage and cutting it up so the people interchange while lip singing to a song. The green screen will be replaced with footage from the city thats out of focus - the overall look and feel of this video is going to be sweet. I'll see if i can post it when its complete.

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